Good night
Later. So protect her. Please meet me at the place I am staying tonight. four voices yelled at the same time.Thump, thump, thump my heart beating as I stood there in front of the ocean the waves crashing against one another. Ethan and Jordan nodded in agreement. I have to get through this alone. I sighed as I grabbed her hand, I kissed her pulse, before I bit her softly and began drinking the blood. I sighed.Hey there, it’s Gerard again.Oh hey.We, fine I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with us tonight. She must have noticed I didn’t like her so she wasn’t going to. Somehow its not giving him the same satisfaction he might be hoping for.
Suddenly the light blue skies turned to a raging gray and the man disappeared and was replaced by a man with black hair and yellow eyes.
Nate glared at him, but the boy just held me tighter, putting his body between Nate’s and mine. The morning air hit me and I shivered, it was September and Autumn was setting in, Time for the duffle coat I thought,I turned when I head a familiar beeping noise and ran to my friends car.Hey. Amy asked clapping her hands together,Markus and I both shook our heads,come in I said gesturing for them to sit,oh thanks. As I was running I collided with something falling to the ground I looked up fearfully to meet the yellow eyes from before.He reached out this hand engulfing my face within it I struggled to get away from him. I heard the police sirens wailing in the distance.And that was when hell broke loose.Everything started moving in slow motion. Tamaki stuttered.No. it should be hurting me right now, it only hurts when its added preasurre, Thomas... What are you doing to me. Your father of course, was feeling the difference when he was home.
I crashed into the wall, surprised I didn’t break it, then sank down to the floor. I started to change to a punk because those were the only people who would talk to me after you left. he kissed me and stood up leaving the room. Erikson’s so close. After today, I realized your werent my cousin anymore. Fucked up yet. Clenching his fists, he walked over to the courier. It was raining outside but not the normal rain were it comes down in droplets, the misty kind, the kind that gets you the most wet and makes your hair frizz up even under a hood and an umbrella. I askedyeah she nodded I can make anyone do anything I want, I just tell them what to do and they can’t resist doing it for me she winked. Mr
Suddenly the light blue skies turned to a raging gray and the man disappeared and was replaced by a man with black hair and yellow eyes.
Nate glared at him, but the boy just held me tighter, putting his body between Nate’s and mine. The morning air hit me and I shivered, it was September and Autumn was setting in, Time for the duffle coat I thought,I turned when I head a familiar beeping noise and ran to my friends car.Hey. Amy asked clapping her hands together,Markus and I both shook our heads,come in I said gesturing for them to sit,oh thanks. As I was running I collided with something falling to the ground I looked up fearfully to meet the yellow eyes from before.He reached out this hand engulfing my face within it I struggled to get away from him. I heard the police sirens wailing in the distance.And that was when hell broke loose.Everything started moving in slow motion. Tamaki stuttered.No. it should be hurting me right now, it only hurts when its added preasurre, Thomas... What are you doing to me. Your father of course, was feeling the difference when he was home.
I crashed into the wall, surprised I didn’t break it, then sank down to the floor. I started to change to a punk because those were the only people who would talk to me after you left. he kissed me and stood up leaving the room. Erikson’s so close. After today, I realized your werent my cousin anymore. Fucked up yet. Clenching his fists, he walked over to the courier. It was raining outside but not the normal rain were it comes down in droplets, the misty kind, the kind that gets you the most wet and makes your hair frizz up even under a hood and an umbrella. I askedyeah she nodded I can make anyone do anything I want, I just tell them what to do and they can’t resist doing it for me she winked. Mr
horstisb - 4. Jan, 04:48